Tuesday, June 26, 2012



Cutest Baby Contest

I submitted my little boy photo for Pantai Mutiara Hospital Cutest Baby Contest during April 2012.
He won the 2nd prize!!!!!

Here is the contest result that posted at hospital noticeboard.
It has been noticed by ZhengXuan when we by pass the noticeboard..........
And......the prizes from the organizer....Collected on-behalf by his brother
Again........Congratulation to my baby Zheng Yik!!!!

Cookie's Time

Few weeks ago, my son's nursery organized a 'Holiday Party'.It just like a "POTLUCK" party, so everyone must bring some foods for the party.

I found that a lot of parents are planning to buy cake. So, I must think some special food that my kid can bring it to school & share with his friends.
Erm~~~~1st thing came into my mind is kids like "SWEET' such as chocolate. Therefore, I plan to made 'cornflakes with whitechocolate'

Firstly, I melted the white chocolate bar on the boiling water. After all the white chocolate bar melted, added in conflake & mixed it up with white chocolate.
Put a cookies into the small paper cups. Fill in the conflakes with chocolate into small paper cup. Put on some topping as decorations.

Here are my homemade 'cookies'.....