Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cookie's Time

Few weeks ago, my son's nursery organized a 'Holiday Party'.It just like a "POTLUCK" party, so everyone must bring some foods for the party.

I found that a lot of parents are planning to buy cake. So, I must think some special food that my kid can bring it to school & share with his friends.
Erm~~~~1st thing came into my mind is kids like "SWEET' such as chocolate. Therefore, I plan to made 'cornflakes with whitechocolate'

Firstly, I melted the white chocolate bar on the boiling water. After all the white chocolate bar melted, added in conflake & mixed it up with white chocolate.
Put a cookies into the small paper cups. Fill in the conflakes with chocolate into small paper cup. Put on some topping as decorations.

Here are my homemade 'cookies'.....

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